Archer Medical is a full EEG Service Provider that offers your hospital network, medical center, medical group or private office with:
- Nationally Registered EEG Technologist(s).
- The best Capital EEG Equipment perfectly matched to your environment.
- All of the necessary accessories and ancillary devices to complete any EEG study.
- Complete EEG oversight and interpretation.
- Complete 24/7/365 EEG coverage.
- Routine EEGs
- Continuous (long term) EEGs
- Ambulatory EEGs
- Electrocerebral inactivity (ECI) or electrocerebral silence (ECS) EEGs
All EEG studies are completed with recorded video, audio, as well as remote monitoring capabilities. Remove the stress of trying to manage Joint Commission Requirements, on-call coverage, maintaining current EEG equipment, ordering supplies, coordination of EEG staff holidays, sick days, personal days, and much more! We can help make your EEG Department a revenue generating division of the hospital today! Archer Medical can efficiently provide you and your hospital(s) with the best possible EEG Service at a cost lower than your current expense.